Php 1.00=AED 13.00

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A few people are beating the system using a simple trick. When they are thirsty or need a parking ticket they slip a peso coin into a vending machine. The machine obliges because the size of a peso coin is the same as a one dirham coin. That works out as 13 sodas for the equivalent of one dirham..

A number of residents have discovered that a Philippine peso is as good as a dirham whether it is to buy a soft drink or a parking ticket.

"This is nothing new. It is an open secret," said Maria Juan, a resident.

A peso is equivalent to about 7 fils and a dirham is about 13 pesos.

One of the reasons attributed for pesos working in vending machines is that their weight and size is more or less the same as a dirham.

more on this link...

(image and articles from

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