Thanks to you!! After all these posts..

Hoping to Blog again in this spot one day at the right time...



Php 1.00=AED 13.00


A few people are beating the system using a simple trick. When they are thirsty or need a parking ticket they slip a peso coin into a vending machine. The machine obliges because the size of a peso coin is the same as a one dirham coin. That works out as 13 sodas for the equivalent of one dirham..

A number of residents have discovered that a Philippine peso is as good as a dirham whether it is to buy a soft drink or a parking ticket.

"This is nothing new. It is an open secret," said Maria Juan, a resident.

A peso is equivalent to about 7 fils and a dirham is about 13 pesos.

One of the reasons attributed for pesos working in vending machines is that their weight and size is more or less the same as a dirham.

more on this link...

(image and articles from gulfnews.com)

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Unblocked at Last!!!


Etisalat (the largest Telecom Company in the UAE) have finally decided to unblock a number of hugely popular web sites that, over the last few months have not been accessible to the public.

Once again free to enjoy sites such as Myspace.com, Youtube.com, Piczo.com, Metacafe.com and Hi5.com, among many others.

Despite taking a seemingly disinterested stance for a long time, Etisalat is to be congratulated for finally acknowledging the wishes of their customers and the fact that these web sites offer harmless fun without threatening the security or culture of the UAE.

more on this link...

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