After watching National Geographic Specials "Super flu" my concerns about this H5N1 virus hitting the Emirates is imminent. If this virus goes global it will be a chaos in Biblical scale wiping out not thousands but millions of lives or even half the world population.
Chances are?
Considering the chances of Emirates in having birds with this virus is not farfetched. In my observation though I'm not an expert on birds, aside from the Emirates' rapid development it has also created nature amenities such as parks, sanctuaries and protected wildlife sites to balanced development and nature. I remember watching a documentary about the wildlife in
Upon reading the issue "Bird flu virus is not able to survive heat" on Gulf News, I was relieve but after a while it puts me to further analyze whets goin' on by comparing the local and international news. Now it keeps me at the edge of my seat mmmm..there's a big difference. Naaah, I finally realized I'm reading a Senseless Daily better check it on the net or watch CNN and BBC. The virus can't survive heat? Hey! it's winter...I think this press release is kinda late..
Diet Plan..
Stick to that old pork or beef for a while (no FMD and Mad cow at the moment). It's not off my menu but i'll try to avoid it and nothing's wrong by doin' it. So set aside that chicken soup or you'll be a soul. (creepy ha) "My friend, one mutton shawarma please!"
© Desertpinoys 2005
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